A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1982

Chapter 1982


Mark tenderly caressed Olivia’s face, a warm feeling swelling in his heart.

In the earlier part of his life, Mark had amassed fame and fortune.

However, he then suffered an illness that nearly cost him his life.

In those trying times, he had never envisioned such a day.

The thought of having a wife and children around him had never crossed his mind.

Mark raised his gaze and locked eyes with Cecilia.

He whispered tenderly, “Cecilia, thank you.”


A sudden knock at the door interrupted their moment.

Cecilia went to answer the door.

As it swung open, she found herself momentarily stunned. Standing before her were Charlie and several of Mark’s other friends.

To her surprise, Flora was also among them.

Cecilia appeared somewhat uneasy, and Flora mirrored her discomfort.

Charlie, however, wore a friendly smile as he began, “I heard that Mark isn’t feeling well, so we decided to pay him a visit. I expected to find him in a sorry state, but instead, I see him with a beautiful lady and two adorable kids by his side. What more could a man ask for?”

Cecilia was taken aback by Charlie’s words, unsure of how to react.

She wished Peter was there; he was better equipped to handle the situation.

Despite the tension, she reminded herself that she was no longer young and needed to maintain her composure.

With a polite smile, Cecilia said, “Please, come in. He’s a little better now.”

Charlie carried several bags, leading a small group of people into the room.

His knack for lightening the mood ensured that there was no awkward silence in the room.

Flora, however, seemed the most uncomfortable among them. She hadn’t originally wanted to come that day, but Charlie had convinced her, saying, “This is a good opportunity for you. Once you get through this, you can be regular friends. Think about your career! Your future still depends on Mark’s niece, Rena. Rena might have a close relationship with you, but I’ve heard she treats Cecilia like her own sister. Can Rena bear to see her upset?”

So Flora reluctantly agreed to join them.

She would have never agreed otherwise.

Cecilia decided to put Flora at ease, stopping her abruptly and saying, “The men are occupied with their conversation. Let’s find a place to sit.”

Flora was seemingly skilled in social interactions.

